Emissions Testing
Since 1982, the need to pass emissions standards has dominated
design considerations related to wood-burning stove
combustion systems in North America. OMNI has
developed unique capabilities for evaluating product
designs to identify cost-effective ways to improve
emissions performance for wood-burning appliances of any kind that may encounter difficulties passing emissions standards.
Paul Tiegs has been directly
involved in wood combustion process chemistry and behavior emissions research
since 1980. In 1986, OMNI was the first laboratory
accredited by the EPA for performing wood-fired stove emissions testing.
additional information ...
Safety Testing
OMNI evaluates products for conformity with recognized U.S. and/or Canadian standards for safety; complying products will be certified and added to OMNI’s Product Listing Directory. OMNI also has
mutual recognition agreements with laboratories in
Europe and can perform safety testing to standards
from other countries as well. Testing can be conducted
at the OMNI laboratory in Portland, Oregon, or at
a client's laboratory.
For additional
information ....
If you are interested in having you product tested please complete our Information Request form.